Site membership


There is some confusion as to what you need to purchase a Realistic Immitation Firearm or RIF for short.

You do not need any form of "licence", membership or other snake oil schemes to OWN a Realistic Imitation Firearm.

If you wish to purchase one, the seller should satisfy themselves that they are allowed to do so under the defences laid out by the Home Office. Our defence is Airsoft Skirmishing at a site that holds public liability insurance. A seller must take reasonable steps to ensure you will be using the RIF for the purpose you claim. (Quite vague)

Some examples:

  • A new player attends a skirmish at a site with PLI. At the start of the game they decide to go and buy a new gun from the on-site shop. Because the player is at a game, on site, using the RIF for one of the permitted activities, the seller can legally sell to the player.
  • A player wishes to buy a gun from another player. The buyer is not known to the seller but the buyer has kept a diary of games played and has had the site owner sign to confirm. The seller calls the site owner, checks they have PLI and that they know the buyer. If this is confirmed, then the seller has taken what they could argue as "reasonable steps" should they be questioned.
  • A player wishes to buy a gun from a retailer, they have site membership having played the three games in no less than 56 days and have had their ID and address confirmed. The retailer can contact the site where the membership is held, check their PLI and confirm the player is current. They could then claim reasonable steps had been taken to ensure the buyer could avail themselves of the specific defence.


Whilst these examples might be lawful, one could question if they are in the spirit of the law. We follow the 3 games in no less than 56 days guideline and as such offer the following membership scheme.

To become a registered UCAP Airsoft player which will help you to purchase RIFs, you are required to take part in three games in no less than two months (56 days) at any of our game sites. IE game 1 and 3 must have a gap of a minimum of 56 days between them. You must be over 18 years of age and able to provide two forms of ID, one photographic such as passport or drivers license and the other proof of address such as a bank statement or utility bill. Once you have been issued with your membership card, you are good to go, this card and your site player membership number is all most retailers require.

We will NOT register that information with the United Kingdom Airsoft Retailers Association or UKARA. There is NO LEGAL need to do this and we will not be doing the work for an organisation who then charge retailers to access it.


Site membership does not allow you to walk around waving an Airsoft gun, you will be arrested (if you are still alive) and face possible charges. Always keep your kit in a bag or case out of sight, in a secure location. 

Please download and complete the PDF form via the link below in BLOCK CAPITALS. Illegible and incomplete forms will be rejected. The form then needs to be brought with you to each qualifying game where one of the members of staff will sign against the date to confirm that you have attended. Signatures can not be back dated.

Membership Application

Membership is charged at £15.00 and will expire 365 days from its start date. This will be payable at the submission of your completed form at a UCAP site along with a recognised forms of ID. 

To renew your membership repeat the process using the dates on your membership card log.

For membership validation enquiries, please email us at [email protected]